Keeping your lights on …and take your shoes off!

You might find the answer to the question of: WHY - do you want to be well?  quite simple.  You just don’t want to feel like you do any longer. 

Let’s face it, we can all improve. 
And guess what - we all know exactly what we have to do. 
The truth hurts, but if we own it and take responsibility we can see the good in what needs to be done and take that as motivation, to take action. 

We discussed a being-well audit last week - a check in with yourself to know where you are and getting that “shark” or “hive” strategy in place to motivate and remind you that being well takes action. 
Consistency pays the well-being bill. No question. Remember your health is really your wealth. 

So where do you get your energy? 
Is it in making others smile, spending time in nature, being creative or sleeping? 
Or all of the above and many many more…

If living well is to find the source of your energy… 
Tapping into that source can be very powerful.